Creators: A Photographic Exploration of Voice


Renee Masterson-Carr

Mother • Voice of Reason • Decency Seeker • Author

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Words are probably the most powerful entity known to man. Words can start a war, or end one... they can create love, or end a relationship...and everything in between...words are lasting...words are powerful and, handled correctly, can make all the difference.

What is your why?

For half a century, I searched for my Why. Why did previous relationships fail? Wh y did my biological father want nothing to do with me? Why wasn’t I good enough fo r any of them? I realize that searching for my “Why” was the problem. What I lear ned along the way was that the Why didn’t matter. I needed to find the Why Not.... W hy do I do anything? To smile, to laugh, to be happy and enjoy life... to leave my m ark on this Earth in a positive way; whether it be a book, my son, or just a memory of me that makes someone else smile, laugh, be happy and enjoy life... Why try to make a difference? Why not!

Now is the time for?

Laughter.... A tremendous amount of gut wrenching, teary eyed, full on nasal-snort, stitch in your side laughter.


Who is one person that

has inspired



you from afar that

may not know it?

That’s the easiest answer... my son is by far the most amazing and inspirational person. He has made me a better person! He makes me think before I speak, judge or act. He does his research before making a decision or passing judgment; which alone is inspiring. I’d like to believe that this is a result of his upbringing and he is just returning the favor, but I don’t think I can take the credit. He’s just an honest, loving old soul. I hope he knows that he’s made that impact on me, and I hope I’ve made a positive impact on him.


Nothing... Absolutely nothing is for sure. Anything could change at any given moment. Death and taxes? Is death for sure? Maybe...maybe there’s reincarnation... maybe there’s something beyond the grave... so that’s not for sure either. Are taxes? Not really. You could avoid paying them and go to jail... there could be an apocalypse tomorrow that changes the world and no one pays taxes. Is Love for sure? I believe it can be but I guess I won’t know until my final breath.... Can love be truly unconditional? I hope so, but am I sure? The only thing I know for sure is that nothing is for sure.

When did you first sense your power and how has it carried through your life?

Power is a very strong word (see what I did there?)....If I had to say that I had a power, I think it would be my ability to charm with the written word. I probably sensed that power when I started writing poetry in my teens. I have always been able to tell a story, evoke an emotion, be it happiness, anger or sadness. Words are probably the most powerful entity known to man. Words can start a war, or end one... t hey can create love, or end a relationship... and everything in between... words are la sting... words are powerful and, handled correctly, can make all the difference.

Where do you find hope at this time in history?

I Hope humans find their way. We are in such a lost era. My hope is in my son’s generation. I’m watching them from the window. I see them searching for the right direction... the happy medium. I see them yearning for love, kindness and acceptance. Along with intelligence and common sense, I have hope that they learn from the mistakes of their predecessors.


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